Diagnostic Center, Southern California
Diagnostic Center, Southern California
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Sign-Up for Trainings

Multi-Day Training Waiting Lists

Our multi-day training wait lists are very long. Adding your name on the list now cannot guarantee you a seat in the next training and it may be at least a one year wait.

The AAC, Ordinal Scales, and Preschool Extended trainings begin a new class of participants in the fall. If you are interested in the next available class, you will need to submit your name on the wait list below. You will receive a notification if a space becomes available. However, our trainings are very popular and we always have more participants on the wait list than we can accept. The wait can be at least one year. Since we never know exactly how many will accept or decline their seat, we cannot say exactly how fast we will move through the wait list. If you have any questions, please contact us at train@dcs-cde.ca.gov.